Seek Thermal will occasionally release software updates for Seek Reveal imagers to help improve your product experience. Upgrading this software is a simple process. You can check to see what version your Reveal is currently running by looking for "version" at the bottom of the main screen when powering on, or by visiting MENU > ABOUT.
If you are not running the latest version you can update your software by completing a few simple steps. First you must identify which Reveal model you have and download the appropriate file. If you are unsure which model you have, you can view the ABOUT screen to review your model number. If it ends in “XXX” you have a Reveal or RevealXR. If it ends in “XXXX” you have a RevealXR FastFrame.
*Reveal FirePRO and Reveal ShieldPRO users: Access the menu to check your version number by pressing the left and right buttons at the same time.
- Reveal or RevealXR (<9Hz)
- RevealXR FastFrame (>15Hz)
- RevealPRO (<9Hz)
- RevealPRO FastFrame (>15Hz)
- Reveal FirePRO(<9Hz)
- Reveal FirePRO FastFrame (>15Hz)
- Reveal FirePRO X (<9Hz)
- Reveal FirePRO X FastFrame (>15Hz)
- Reveal ShieldPRO (<9Hz)
- Reveal ShieldPRO FastFrame (>15Hz)
If you have previous updates on your computer it may rename the file. If it does you must rename it to "thermal.str".
Now that you have the file on your computer, complete the following steps:
- Connect the Reveal to a computer (PC or Mac) via USB. The computer will recognize the Seek Reveal and open the microSD card as a storage device.
- Copy the update file to the main (root) directory of the Reveal’s microSD card. It should already be named “thermal.str”. You can simply drag this file form your computer download location to the storage device. It’s critical it lives at the Root directory on the device.
- Eject the device from your computer and disconnect the USB cable.
- Power-cycle (Turn ON) the Reveal device
The Software Upgrade screen will display for several seconds before the device will restart and the update will be complete.