Update Instructions
- Connect your camera to a Windows or MAC computer.
- Download and unzip the latest firmware.
- Drag the THERMAL.STR file onto the FIREPRO device.
- Wait approximately 10 seconds.
- Eject the camera from your computer.
- Remove the camera from the dock and power the device on.
- Wait 5 seconds, the camera will then begin to update.
- A green tick will indicate successful Firmware update.
NOTICE: The file name will be in the format: THERMAL.STR
Please ensure the file name is in this format. Firmware update will fail if this format is not retained.
How do I see the current firmware version on my FirePRO 300?
- Connect your camera to a Windows or MAC computer.
- The firmware version will be displayed on the USB connect screen under “Firmware Version” 3.
- The number will display in the following format: 34.27.X.X.